During the middle of last year and following the closure of ILC/ Jacques Products, Formulated Polymer Products acquired two new employees from ILC/Jacques Products. Since then we...

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Flame Retardant Back Coatings for Textiles
Whether you are an international company or a start-up, if you deal with textiles then you also must deal with fire safety laws. Thankfully, chemistry has several solutions for...

Non Environmentally Hazardous Flame Retardant Coatings
Formulated Polymer Products range of Flame Retardant Textile Back Coatings are no longer classed as environmentally hazardous substances.

Why Effective Fire Safety Regulations For Upholstered Furniture & Furnishings Matter
Courtesy of the British Furniture Confederation. Background The UK’s Furniture & Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) Regulations (FFFSR) were originally introduced in 1988. They require...

Fretwork Announces Primary Partnership with Nottinghamshire Council
Fretwork comprises organisations that apply flame retardant treatments to textiles and those who provide the chemical formulations for those treatments. These businesses play a...

Flame Retardant Chemicals Save Lives
The following article was published by CTIF The International Association of Fire and Rescue Services on the 26th of February 2019. This article reinforces the need for flame...

Upcoming Flame Retardant Trends & Regulations For Plastic In 2019
Sometimes, even being the best is just not good enough. Although the EU has for years had in place regulations stipulating all furniture upholstery, foams and plastics must meet...

The Importance Of Flame-Retardant Additives In Plastics
Flame-retardant additives are used in a wide variety of plastic products these days. You will find them in anything from consumer products to oil pipelines. Flame-retardant...

Impact of Brexit on Fire Retardant Regulations for Fabrics
In the closing weeks of 2018, few people can comfortably predict how – in exact terms – Brexit will impact on the normal working regulations of any industry in years to come. The...

The Grenfell Tower Fire: The Importance of Flame Retardant Furniture
On Wednesday 14th June 2017, London's worst fire for at least a generation began. The Grenfell Tower fire disaster went on to be not just a tragedy for those residents of the...