New Investment Increases Manufacturing Capacity For Antislip Paper Coatings

At Formulated Polymer Products we manufacture a wide range of water borne polymer bound compositions. Applications for these compounds include a range of adhesives including sprayable contact adhesives for furniture manufacture and cold seal adhesives for packaging, paper and film coatings and flame retardant textile coatings. Polyurethane foam impregnants impart several properties, including flame retardancy, oil resistance, conductivity and VOC absorbency.

As well as supplying our established grades we continually strive to develop new products and one of our most successful recent developments is an anti-slip coating, FP 2177. This high-performance coating is designed to provide paper and board with a coating that has a very high coefficient of friction or anti-slip. The primary end uses are as anti-slip for food tray mats and pallet liners. There are however other applications outside of this, as the coating has a unique ‘tactile’ feel with good water repellency. We are also able to tailor the properties of FP 2177 to meet the end user’s requirements for both processing and finished coating properties.

Launched just over two years ago FP 2177 has proved so successful that we have switched production to a brand new, custom built mixing vessel. This new mixer enables us to make larger batch sizes up to 15,000 kilos. This new investment means we can make anti-slip coatings more efficiently and more consistently.

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